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Kids Yoga (2019)
StudioBookings app

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For Kids and Teens

All activities are at 158 East Main Street in Pendleton.

Teens age 14 and older may attend any yoga or Tai Chi class with their legal guardian. Please note that both the teen and the guardian must be registered for the same class. Ages 16 and older may attend classes on their own as long as the guardian has signed a liability waiver.


Email for information on discounted class passes for teeens.

FREE: La Leche League

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2nd Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.  - 12:30 p.m.

LLL meetings are a place to relax, meet new friends, and find that support that we all need.


If you're running a few minutes late, that's OK, come anyway.

If your child is feeling grumpy, come anyway; maybe they need a change of scenery.

If you didn't get much sleep and haven't had a shower, come anyway; it happens to all of us!

Please share this info with anyone who is expecting a baby, has a new baby, has a child they're nursing, or just needs to see a friendly face!


Other Activities for Kids and Teens


Some of the providers in at 158 East Main offer private and small group events for Kids and Teens.

Check out the private mindful-life coaching and mindful music with InTune Rhythm!

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